Every 401k plan participant invests their money for the purpose of making the amount grow larger. We invest our savings in hopes of getting more money back when we decide to retire. But for a lot of investors, that is about all they are doing, making a decision and HOPING they are making the right one.

Is there a way to turn hope into something more assured?

Some investors get “lucky” and make large returns. For many though, this “throwing a dart” method results in getting LESS money back than they might otherwise have achieved.

Some investors instead will educate themselves. For example, they might look at some of the great names of investing and find they all recognized that the markets have value. They find
that some have skill that lead to outsized returns.

Obviously, the best option would be the latter approach rather than the former.

The key to making the latter option happen more often, without needing the element of luck, is education. We advocate eliminating the guesswork and implementing the knowledge.

This is not new. When making other acquisitions, like buying a car, research is a huge component of the decision making process. There are experts who provide knowledge and tools that help us decide.

There is no difference when investing in mutual funds. We need to know all of the elements associated with the decision. We need to know the potential outcomes, the value that could be
created, the losses that may be incurred, and the “investing environment” that is going to affect our investment.

Having a better understanding of investing and all of the factors that can affect our investing choices is crucial to heightening the chances of gaining larger returns.

This being said, we hope to aid in your education by providing a new, free addition to your existing subscription. You will find it under the “Data” tab on our website. The “Data” page
has historical and up to date educational materials for you to use. There is information on stocks and bonds that range from fundamental to social forms of analysis to help you with your investing. We want you to be maximizing your return while minimizing your risk. We believe that education and understanding is a huge component of being able to accomplish this.

If you have any questions or data suggestions, email us at info@401kselections.com!

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